Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ice Cream and Playdough

David brought some ice cream home the other day and we've been enjoying that tasty treat for a few days. It always amazes me that babies know what the good stuff is. And I don't mean the good-for-you-healthy-stuff. I mean the stuff that is yummy on your taste buds!

David had given Brooke some ice cream but it was all gone. I was touched that Logan was willing to share his with his sister. (Face it, Folks! Momma wasn't even gonna share that stuff with the baby!) I know these photos aren't the best quality, but put together, you can see how the ice cream sharing went.

When Nana was here in October she made the kids playdough. It smells like Thanksgiving. Seriously! The playdough has cinnamon, cloves, & nutmeg. . . all the traditional pumpkin pie spicess. She'll be happy to know that the kids have been playing with the dough again lately.

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